Wednesday, January 20, 2010

the gift - Cecelia ahern

A young boy throw a turkey throught a window. He was caught by a policemen. Then the policemen tell this boy a story. All of this happen at christmas day.

the story is about a bisnessmen, lou. He is a very busy men, all the time, phone on his ear. Settle things around him. He can done two things at once. It shown how busy he was.

then come the homeless guy, gabe, he able to create awkward to lou, a very confident men. But most importantly gabe able show important of life, family and love. Lou really get his wish, to be 2 places at once, making him able to achieve his goal.

but at the end, lou meet an accident. Is a sad story but it teach us important of time. No matter how good we can manage our time, being 2 place at a time, still, we can negle people around us.

this novel had gone long way from her previous novel. The language she use are more deep. Still she able capture people heart.

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