Saturday, July 24, 2010

I'm sad now.. Tears running down.. Listening to 'take a bow'. I search this song sang by rihanna, i can't find it. But lucky i found the song sang by glee. I keep replay this song. The voice is beautifully. I can't stop listen to it. I just keep repeat. I know is stupid. But i can't stop hear the voice. There word that i focus more, like sorry, is over now, faithfull, lie, time to go. i don't know the song mean. But my heart just feel sad when hear this. Stupid right. I'm sad and alone. Isn't my blog about.


  1. adeh. sedih ka syl? jan sedih2 ba.
    cuma sebab sedang lonely kan, tu la macam2 pikir.

    aku pun lonely jugak sini bandung, missing my friend so much T.T

  2. thanks raff... could be lonely also lar
